Google Play market and Apple’s AppStore will apparently feature the Telegram Open Network (TON) working framework (OS), a start to finish open-source foundation that permits designers and users to work with the TON blockchain. The TON OS will before long become accessible on cell phones and PCs for standard users, a source near Telegram revealed to Russian news organization RBC on April 29. TON OS isn’t an option in contrast to existing working frameworks, yet will fill in as an extra for devices, making them ready to help blockchain applications.
The source said that with TON OS, clients can make applications that are
naturally perfect with the blockchain stage. They anticipate that, later on, the
OS will support applications with various functions, including various resources including cryptocurrencies.
Going forward amid a legal battle with the SEC
Beforehand, designers of the TON blockchain revealed to Cointelegraph that
they were all the while thinking about propelling TON, regardless of Telegram’s progressing battle in court against the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. The message is trying to offer a U.S. government court’s decision for the SEC to end the dispersion of the stage’s local Gram tokens.