Telegram Users’ Data Exposed On The Darknet

2 min readJun 25, 2020


Telegram’s worked in contact import feature was misused to release the individual personal information of a large number of users onto the darknet.

Telegram, a significant protection centered informing app, has endured a data leaked that uncovered some close to personal information of its users on the darknet.

A database containing the personal data of a large number of Telegram users has been posted on a darknet discussion. The issue was first reported by Russian-language tech publication on 23rd of June.

As per the report, the database contains phone numbers and distinct Telegram user IDs. It stays indistinct precisely what number of users’ personal information was spilled while the database file is around 900 megabytes.

About 40% of entries in the database ought to be significant

Telegram has apparently recognized the presence of the spilled database to The database was gathered through misusing Telegram’s built in contacts’ import highlight at registration, Telegram allegedly said.

Telegram noticed that data in the leaked database is for the most part obsolete. As per the report, 84% of data entries in the database were gathered before mid-2019. Thus, at any rate 60% of the database is obsolete, Telegram proclaimed in the report.

Also, 70% of leaked accounts originated from Iran, while the staying 30% were based in Russia.

Simply the most recent leak

This isn’t the main example of Telegram users phone numbers being leaked. In August 2019, Hong Kong activists gave an account vulnerability that exposed telephone numbers, permitting Chinese law authorization offices to track protesters’ identities.

In light of the helplessness, Telegram extended user protection tools in September 2019. In particular, Telegram introduced new feature permitting clients with show their phone number to no one by any stretch of the imagination.

The report comes soon after Russian specialists lifted the two-year ban on Telegram application in the nation. In this way, a few reports laid out specific irregularities on Telegram that purportedly compromised the security of its users.




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